Mucho Cool Things Happening, Part 1

This is cool as f*k. Kerrith Livengood is a musical genius who has taken some poems of mine and turned them into mad modern musical compositions. Check them out. We are going to collaborate soon. 

Kerrick's entire awesome Soundcloud page is here.

Jack Underwood Gets Me

This is his wonderful take on my work for The Poetry Review (UK). Thanks, Jack! 

"And there is the surprising tidiness of her writing, despite its pace and the amount of stuff she packs in. She writes the way Dean Moriarty parks cars."


I'm so thrilled to be part of Plume's amazing new anthology, with 100 awesome poets including my NYU homie, Kazim Ali. Plume's always been so supportive of my work. Thanks, Daniel and all  you Plumers! Get it here!