This is cool as f*k. Kerrith Livengood is a musical genius who has taken some poems of mine and turned them into mad modern musical compositions. Check them out. We are going to collaborate soon.
Kerrick's entire awesome Soundcloud page is here.
This is cool as f*k. Kerrith Livengood is a musical genius who has taken some poems of mine and turned them into mad modern musical compositions. Check them out. We are going to collaborate soon.
Kerrick's entire awesome Soundcloud page is here.
This is his wonderful take on my work for The Poetry Review (UK). Thanks, Jack!
"And there is the surprising tidiness of her writing, despite its pace and the amount of stuff she packs in. She writes the way Dean Moriarty parks cars."
Another misfit poem up at Queen Mob's Teahouse!
I'm today's naked castaway on the Island of Misfit Toys at Queen Mob's Teahouse! Thanks, Mobbers!
This. Is. Amazing.
Michael Ching asked me if I'd write the words to his music for the 2015 Science Festival Chorus' "A Little Light Music." Our piece was about how animals see light. We called it "What do you see, butterfly?" The Cambridge Family Chorus is singing. I'm guessing the kids did the drawings. Thank you so much, Michael, for inviting me to do this! Click here to watch.
I'm so thrilled to be part of Plume's amazing new anthology, with 100 awesome poets including my NYU homie, Kazim Ali. Plume's always been so supportive of my work. Thanks, Daniel and all you Plumers! Get it here!
Hearing host Paul Muldoon say the words "pimp my ride" (and "hijinks") has made my life. Thank you, Ada, for this. I love you. You knocked "State Bird" out of the park.
I'm judging the Burnside Review Chapbook Contest, which runs March 15 through June 30. Click here for da rules. All questions happily answered by e-mail: P.S. I like it weird.