Plume Me, asap

I'm loving the company in the new issue of Plume! With Rae Armantrout, David Baker, Yusef Komunyakaa, Kimiko Hahn, T.R. Hummer, Marilyn Kallet, Drew Milne, Tomaž Šalamun (tr Michael Thomas Taren), Jeffrey Skinner, Nomi Stone, Daniel Tobin, and a collaboration by Tess Gallagher and Lawrence Matsuda. Whoa, Nellie! What an inspired mag!

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That New Website Smell

I'm starting off 2015 with a new website! Whattaya think? So you don't get lost, I'm reposting one of my favorite websites. It's an amazing work of art and poetry. I'm so glad this team keeps it alive online. Enjoy!

"Based in Seoul, South Korea, YOUNG-HAE CHANG HEAVY INDUSTRIES combines text with jazz to create Web-based New Media work. Writing in three different languages, Young Hae Chang and Marc Voge strip away interactivity, graphics, photos, illustrations, and colors to leave viewers with language and sound. Their website is"

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