Saltlickers in the Ames Tribune

“I’m in poetry for the money.” I like to tell that joke before I read to a crowd because it’s so obviously ridiculous.

When I lived in New York for 14 years after obtaining my MFA in poetry writing, I couldn’t afford to teach in an adjunct capacity, as I do now. So I worked in communications as a writer and graphic designer. It was a job I’d had before grad school that engaged me creatively (I’ve loved commercials and advertising since I was a kid) although I NEVER had a client who wanted to do anything creative.

So when I started making seasoning salts as holiday gifts in 2012, I had no idea that one day, I’d be my own client. And I’d get to do whatever I wanted. And that people would like it! Amazing!

It feels so good to know that all the time I put in learning about that world has paid off—not just monetarily, but creatively, as well. No work is wasted.

Salts with funky names and incredible seasoning combinations are being made in Nevada

A Nevada couple has taken salt to a whole new level.With catchy names like "Das Bigfoot," "Gorilla, Gorilla" and - you may want to just whisper this one - "French Tickler," Saltlickers has been catching the eye, and taste buds, of farmers' market shoppers in both Des Moines and Ames this summer.Owners of the business, which is run out of their commercial home-based kitchen in Nevada, Jennifer Knox, 50, and her husband Collin Switzer, 54,

Jennifer L. KnoxComment