"Effigy Mounds National Monument, Iowa" Gets a Deep Reading

“Effigy Mounds,” commissioned by the Academy of American Poets for the "Meet Our Parks" series, appears in my new ms, “Crushing It.”

In his feedback on the book, my friend Alan Michael Parker said, "OK, this poem is WEIRD...even for THIS book." :)

Thank you so much for the close read, Frank Podmore! I’m honored!

Effigy Mounds National Monument, Iowa, by Jennifer L Knox

If you read last week's blog on Vahni Capildeo, you may be wondering whether a less-structured, less formalist, less obviously-rhyming poem can bear the same level of analytical whatd'y'call, scrutiny, as 'They (May Forget (Their Names (If Let Out)))' did. Okay, in all likelihood you're not wondering that, but I am, so enjoy the next few hundred words...

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