Punked Again

Last night, I asked Collin to see his holiday light sketchbook, where he's supposedly been keeping detailed ideas for potential displays all year. I bought some metallic star stickers to mark the designs I approved. It was my idea for him to maintain the sketchbook, and—if I do say so myself—an excellent one. Well, I'm sure you can guess what happened. Every page was blank. Fifth year in a row. So I guess it's back to a strobe light on the lawn and an airhorn hooked up to a motion detector. Like we're friggin' animals.

I'd like something like this, but with light-up animatronic Yodas, birds and mushrooms instead of the baby Jesus. 

I'd like something like this, but with light-up animatronic Yodas, birds and mushrooms instead of the baby Jesus. 

Jennifer L. KnoxComment