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SOLD OUT! Writing from Your Intuition & Subconscious Mind

Sorry, this class is sold out! Sign up for our class email list at jenniferlknox at for a head's up on classes.

You don't have to be a special super-sensitive genius to write poems. Your mind already has everything it needs, but logical sense often gets in the way. Allowing your subconscious mind to drive a poem is a thrilling experience—one beyond words—that connects you to the universe. But how can you tap into it? We'll dust off the cobwebs of winter and spring clean our brains with prompts that work our intuition through sound, deep images and pure nonsense. All levels welcome but a fair tolerance of ambiguity is recommended. 


DEADLINE FOR SIGN UP: March 16, 2018
10 spots
All levels
10 am Iowa time-4 pm with breaks for writing/lunch.
Email me at jenniferlknox at gmail for sign-up/details.