Talking Poetry & Poetry Books on the Iowa Informer Podcast

The Iowa Informer will inform your a$$ off, especially their "Physical Media Blog" podcast, where hosts Nate Logsdon and Bryon Dudley discuss collections and all things collectable. On this issue: poetry books, with special guest, me chatting up new books by Jason Schneiderman and Shanna Compton, plus old(ish) faves by Natalie Shapero, and two old(ish) faves by Kimiko Hahn and David Wojahn. Thanks for having me on, II!

Jennifer L. KnoxComment
Best American Poetry 2020

I’m honored to be included in this year’s anthology, edited by Paisley Rekdal and David Lehman. Here it is. It’s got that yummy new contributor copy smell. I can’t believe how much I needed to read this book RIGHT NOW. The introductory essays alone make me feel practically Canadian—like I’m surrounded by brilliant people and affordable healthcare. It’s THAT good!

Jennifer L. KnoxComment
CRUSHING IT in my hand

Whoa. I'm holding it in my hand. It's bigger than it looks in the picture. [Breathe] It’s perfect—like one of those deep-down elements on the periodic table. Yes, it’s entering the world at a highly unusual time. But that’s OK, because it’s a super freaky book.

Available on Copper Canyon Press, October 20, 2020. Preorder here.

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Jennifer L. KnoxComment