Thanks, Nicole Santalucia, for all the tits.
Thanks, Mo-tho!
Here's a recording of Wednesday's reading with Ned Balbo and Jane Satterfield. It was wonderful! Thanks for having us, Greta Anderson and KHOI Community Radio!
Today I got to talk some IBOM and trumpeter swans with Charity Nebbe on "Talk of Iowa"! What fun!
Todd Burras of the Ames Trib gave us a great write-up, along with Story County COnservation's upcoming Birdapalooza event in April 1! Jess Lancial, thank you for creating such an amazing event!
My FIL came up with a great idea last night: Someone could make a website that counts the money we're spending on security for Dump's massive pinhead brood, his weekly trips to Smeara Lardo, and all the rest, in real time. Then we can also have a counter showing the $ Obama spent after being in office for the same amount of time. You could show how Dump blows through more of our cash in a weekend golf outing than the National Endowment for the Arts' entire annual budget, the wonderful people who brought us King Tut. You could have a little pop-up counter for your desktop, or make it into an app. I said, "I'll throw that out on soc med. Maybe someone will make it."
Here's a wonderful write-up about Iowa Bird of Mouth for the Iowa Arts Counci blog.
"The list of contributors includes writers of all levels, from a National Book Award nominee to preschoolers, from Iowa and beyond. Nobody has to sign their name, so it’s hard to tell who they are, but collectively, they’ve written some 'knockout' stuff every single month, Jennifer said."
The show was October 11, 2001. We'd bought the tickets a year in advance. Everyone was still totally freaked out—we even talked about not going. It was the first time we'd left the apartment to do anything but buy groceries and go to work since the towers fell. Madison Square Garden was half-full of twitchy people looking around for the fire exits. A waving American flag was projected onto the stage curtain, which slowly rose to reveal Neil Diamond: his back to the crowd, wearing white sequin jeans.
"If music has the power to heal," he announced, in a voice as loud and deep as God's, "let the healing begin!" He spun around and launched into "America," and the crowd went balls-out ape shit. And you should've heard "Sweet Caroline."