This is SO cool! The Sunvault Anthology!

"Solar Punk" is what's been missing from my life! It very well might help me manage the constant anxiety and cynicism I have about the demise of our planet. Consider kicking in a few bucks to get the ball rolling on this anthology, edited by two very cool Iowa State CWE students, then we can all submit to it!

Click to go to there!

Click to go to there!

Jennifer L. KnoxComment
The Sarah Lawrence College Poetry Festival

My day at the Sarah Lawrence College Poetry Festival was a cavalcade of awesomeness. My talk on humor in poetry had a good crowd including Tim Seibles and David Tomas Martinez. I didn't know RuPaul was talking behind me on a slide the whole time.

Kimiko Hanh woke us up and gave me a million things to think about. Can't wait to try writing my first zuihitsu. Then a wonderful reading by students from all over the state. My fave title: "I am a Dodecahedron" (Booyah!)

Then a cosmic panel on the body with Robin Coste Lewis, Jericho Brown and my NYU guru Mark Doty. Then Robin's reading of a lifetime (I didn't cry but almost did), which I had to follow :S, then Jericho and Mark shared the stage. I mean WHAT?!

Got to meet the lovely Ellen Bass, too! Thank you, Marie and Jen and Jeffrey McDaniel, for having me and for putting on such a WONDERFUL festival. I lived a lifetime of poetry in a day, and, to quote Jericho, I am so very grateful.

Jennifer L. KnoxComment
Poetry Writing Night at the Des Moines Social Club beginning May 4!

Poems don't write themselves. Somebody's got to do it, and this summer, it could be you. Dive into poetry writing with an 8-week course for all skill levels.

Every Wednesday from 7-8, we'll read and discuss poems by exciting contemporary poets on a variety of themes, then we'll write poems (or drafts of poems that can be revised later) based on prompts and share our work. This will be a safe, supportive space in which we will be feel free to tap into our secret wells of creative irrationality. We'll cover a new topic in every session including venues for publishing your work.

After the last class on June 29, we'll have an open mic DMSC at which you can share your poems with an audience. Take 1 class or all 8. Single sessions are $15 each; sign up for all 8 at a discount price of $100.


Jennifer L. KnoxComment
NPM Tumbler!

Today I'm up on NPM Tumbler. This was a total blast to write. Every day in April, a different poet discusses craft issues on their brains. Thank you, Sarah Blake Schoenholt, for inviting me to join this amazing line-up! 

Allison Titus
Aziza Barnes
C. Russell Price
Carmen Gimenez Smith
D. Gilson
deborah brandon
Diana Khoi Nguyen
Eugenia Leigh
Gina Myers
Joshua Bennett
Joyelle McSweeney
Kyle Dargan
Lo Kwa Mei-en
Major Jackson
Mary Hickman
Max Ritvo
Shane McCrae
Stacey Brown
Vanessa Villareal
Wendy Chin-Tanner
Didi Jackson
Giovanni Singleton
Justin Boening
Kathleen Rooney
Saara Raappana
Wo Chan
Erica Lewis
T'ai Freedom Ford
Monica Ong Reed